Regulations of Consciousness, Ishopanishad (iishopaniShad), and the related Vedic-Sanskrit words.
Regulations of Consciousness, Ishopanishad (iishopaniShad), and the related Vedic-Sanskrit words. Index. 1.0 Introduction. 2.0 A brief summary of the knowledge contained in the Ishopanishad. 3.0 Ishopani shad. 3.1 Verse -1. 3.1.1 Disjointed words and Word-word meaning. 3.1.2 Consolidated meaning. 3.1.3 Etymologies, inner meanings, and brief explanation. 3.1.3 (i) iishaa (by the iishaa / by the ruler ) vaasyam (is shrouded /is made to dwell) idaM (this) sarvaM (all) 3.1.3(ii) vaasyam. 3.1.3(iii) vaasa---- fragrance and praaNa . 3.1.3(iv) apaana. 3.1.3(v) vastu and the deities called vasu. 3 . 1.3(vi) The three group of deities--- vasu,rudra, aaditya & vishva-devata; vasana and savana; vastra. 3.1.3 (vii) vasana, savana and soma. 3.1.3(viii) vastra. 3.1.3(ix) g...